Chapter 17: Condominium Control
Notas finales
This chapter tells you how state law protects tenants facing condominium (condo) and cooperative (coop) conversion1, what local ordinances protect tenants against condo conversion, and what rights tenants have when facing problems caused by absentee condo owners.
Tenants need to be vigilant to be sure that condominium conversion is not being contemplated, or if it is, that they get the full set of rights and protections provided by state law.
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Chapter 17: Condominium Control (January 2025).
For a summary of this chapter, see our overview article and 2-page handout.
Special thank you to William Loon at De Novo Center for Justice and Healing for his contributions to this chapter.
A condominium is defined as land or the lessee’s interest in any lease of land submitted to the provisions of G.L. c. 183A, including the buildings, all other improvements and structures thereon, and all easements, rights, and appurtenances belonging thereto. G.L. c. 183A, §1. A cooperative, on the other hand, can either be formed through a cooperative housing corporation as described in G.L. c. 157B, or may be a unit in some other housing cooperative organized under G.L. c. 156B or G.L. c. 157. Chapter 527 of the Acts of 1983, Section 3 (approved November 30, 1983) (definitions of “condominium unit” and “cooperative unit”). While the laws discussed here apply to both condominium and cooperative conversions, because cooperative conversions are so rare, throughout this chapter the term condo conversion, rather than condominium and cooperative conversion, is used.