Cómo obtener capacitación para el trabajo mientras está desempleado
Notas finales
El Departamento de Asistencia al Desempleado (DUA, por sus siglas en inglés) apoya a los desempleados que necesitan capacitarse para trabajar. El DUA puede pagarle hasta 26 semanas más de seguro de desempleo mientras recibe la capacitación de un programa aprobado por el Programa de Oportunidades de Capacitación (TOP, por sus siglas en inglés) del DUA.
- Find general unemployment information at DUA's website.
- Call DUA for help: 877-626-6800. You can get help in many different languages.
- Make an in-person appointment at DUA’s Boston Re-Employment Center. Call 971-383-0783.
- Find detailed information about unemployment in the Unemployment Insurance Advocacy Guide.
Contact the Department of Unemployment Assistance
- Online: Find general unemployment information at DUA's website.
- Phone: Call DUA for help: 877-626-6800. Open 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday. You can get help in many different languages.
- In person: Make an appointment at DUA’s Boston Re-Employment Center. Call 971-383-0783. The address is:
2 Ave de Lafayette
Boston, MA 02111
Check your UI Online Account
Log in to UI Online to apply for UI, appeal a denial, request weekly benefits, and more.
Has DUA asked you to return money they paid you?
You can challenge their decision. Learn more about overpayments.
Have questions about proving your identity to DUA?
Learn how to show proof of your identity if the DUA asks for it, or what to do if someone stole your identity to apply for Unemployment Insurance.
Get other benefits while unemployed
Health Coverage
You may qualify for a Massachusetts Health Connector insurance plan, MassHealth, or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).
Visit the MA Health Connector website or call 1-877-623-6765 (TTY 1-877-623-7773) Monday–Friday, 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM.
You can also call Health Care for All’s free helpline, 1-800-272-4232.
Paid Leave
If you do not have a job and are unable to work because you or a family member have a serious health condition, you may be able to get Paid Family and Medical Leave.