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12 Results
Eviction basics and Notices to Quit
Learn about the steps a landlord must take to legally evict you.
Booklets: Representing Yourself in an Eviction
If you are facing eviction and don't have a lawyer, use the information in these PDF booklets to protect yourself.
How to file an Answer in an eviction case
This booklet walks you through how to file an Answer after you get a Summary Process Summons and Complaint.
Tenants, foreclosure, and eviction
If you are a tenant and your apartment is at risk of foreclosure, learn how you can protect yourself.
What can I do if my landlord tries to lock me out or turns off my heat or utilities?
Learn what you can do if your landlord tries to evict you illegally.
Also in
Discovery: Get information to prepare for your eviction trial
If you are a tenant facing eviction, this booklet shows you how to get Discovery, or information from your landlord to prepare for your court case.
Housing Forms, Checklists, and Letters
These forms, checklists, and letters are part of the Legal Tactics: Tenants' Rights in Massachusetts e-book. Housing Code Checklist See also: "Representing Yourself in an Eviction" booklets with forms
How to ask for a Stay of Execution in an eviction case to get more time to move out
This booklet walks you through how to fill out the Stay of Execution form.
How to file a Motion to Remove Default in an eviction case
Learn how to fill out the Motion to Remove Default form if you miss your eviction court date.
How to transfer your case to Housing court
If your eviction case is in District Court or Boston Municipal Court, you have the right to transfer it to Housing Court. Learn more.
Massachusetts Eviction Storage Law: Protecting the Belongings of Tenants Facing Eviction
If you are evicted, your landlord can't just throw your things out. Your furniture and other belongings must be moved to storage. Learn more about the eviction storage law.
Protection from eviction: Survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and stalking
Learn what rights and protections you have under U.S. and Massachusetts law.