Tell DTA about child or dependent adult care costs to get more SNAP

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Massachusetts Law Reform Institute

If you pay for the care of any child under 18 or a disabled adult of any age, and you are

  • working, 
  • looking for work, or 
  • in school, 

your family may qualify for more SNAP!

What care costs count?

Child care or adult care

All child or adult care costs that you are responsible for paying. Adult care could be for a parent who is disabled.  This includes co-payments; money you pay a babysitter, and more.

Out-of-school activities for any child under 18

Any supervised activity, including before and after school, school vacation, summer camps, YMCA, and Boys/Girls Club fees.

Mileage or driving

If you drive your child or pay for Uber/Lyft for a disabled adult to or from care, camp or a school or other care program.

Public transportation

If you or your child takes a bus, subway or train to or from child care, camp or a school program.

Is there a limit or cap on the costs I can tell DTA about?

No. You should tell DTA about the full amount of costs you are responsible for - even if you are behind in paying the costs.

For example

Jane and her husband have two children, aged 5 and 8. Jane works 40 hours a week and her husband is in a full time training program. They need after school child care. Jane earns $600/week. Their rent is $1,200/month plus utilities including AC. Jane’s SNAP is $630 per month.

Jane sends DTA a letter explaining they pay $650 each month for after school care (including transportation). Jane’s SNAP increases to $825 per month.

How do I claim child or adult care costs?

You can self-declare these costs with DTA. Tell DTA over the phone, write the expenses down on your application or recertification form, or send DTA a signed written statement. DTA should ask for proofs only if the information you give is questionable.

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