Basic care costs
Medical, dental care, mental health, physical therapy, hospital based care, home health and nursing care, insurance premiums, copayments or deductibles.
Alternative care
Acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy or herbal treatments prescribed by a licensed practitioner.
Health care supplies and equipment
Special creams, ointments, pain magnets, incontinence supplies, commodes or other supplies and/or equipment recommended by your licensed health practitioner.
Over-the-counter drugs
Pain relievers, insulin, antacids, vitamins, allergy pills, or other remedies recommended by your health practitioner.
If you drive your car to appointments or to pick up drugs or medical supplies at the pharmacy, your mileage counts. Or what you pay for a taxi/Uber/Lyft, bus, subway or train.
Housekeeper and caregiver costs
If you need a housekeeper or care attendant to care for you because of your age or disability.
Vision or hearing care communication devices, other one-time costs
Eyeglasses, contacts, hearing aids, speech or communication equipment and monthly usage fees, other one-time medical costs not covered by insurance.