Ejecución hipotecaria
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8 Resultados
Homeowners facing foreclosure
Learn about laws that can help you catch up on mortgage payments and avoid foreclosure.
Tenants, foreclosure, and eviction
If you are a tenant and your apartment is at risk of foreclosure, learn how you can protect yourself.
Chapter 18: Tenants and Foreclosure
This chapter from the Legal Tactics: Private Housing e-book explains your legal rights as a tenant after foreclosure.
How to get your security deposit back after foreclosure
You do not lose your security deposit just because the property was foreclosed. The old owner should transfer your security deposit to the new owner at the foreclosure sale. If the old owner does not transfer it, you can still get your...
Organizations that help tenants with foreclosure
In Massachusetts, many cities have “bank tenant associations” (BTAs). BTAs help tenants living in foreclosed buildings and homeowners facing foreclosure. BTAs: Hold meetings where you can learn more about your rights. Hold meetings where...
What the new owner must do to evict you
Foreclosing owner must have just cause to evict If you are a bona fide tenant, or a tenant at will in a property bought by the foreclosing bank at auction, you can stay in your unit after the foreclosure unless: You do something wrong that...
You can stay in your place after the eviction
a. If the Court Orders You Out Even if the court says the owner can evict you, you may be able to postpone or prevent the eviction. But you must act quickly. To learn more, see Evictions - Challenging a Court - Ordered Eviction. If the...
Your options after a foreclosure
Your options after a foreclosure depend on what the new owner wants and does, and what you want. You could: Stay and continue renting, Stay until eviction, Take “cash for keys,” or Buy the property. Read more to understand these options...