What Kinds of Tenancies Are There?

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Patty Whiting

In Massachusetts, there are several kinds of tenancies. You can be a:

  1. Tenant with Written Lease
  2. Tenant at Will
  3. Tenant at Sufferance
  4. Tenant by Regulation
  5. Other Kinds of Non-Traditional Housing
  6. Tenant with Written Lease
    You and your landlord have a written agreement, a lease that states your rent and the length of your tenancy. Usually a lease is for 1 year. But it may be shorter or longer.
  7. Tenant at Will
    There is no agreed upon date for you to move out, so you have a month-to-month tenancy. Either party may end the tenancy at any time after giving the required notice. Your agreement with your landlord may be written or oral. See Who is a Tenant at Will.
  8. Tenant at Sufferance
    Your tenancy has ended because either your lease ended or the landlord has sent you a notice to quit terminating your tenancy. Your landlord has not agreed to it, but you are staying in your apartment anyway.
  9. Tenant by Regulation
    You rent a mobile home or you are a tenant in public or subsidized housing. You have more protections than tenants who have a private landlord. For more information about your rights in mobile homes, see Mobile Homes. For more about public housing, see What Types of Public Housing Are There?
  10. Other Kinds of Non-Traditional Housing
    If you are in a program that provides temporary housing and services while you look for permanent housing, you may have rights similar to a tenant. For example, you may have the right to challenge an eviction in court. This depends upon the type of program.
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