Tenants' Rights
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14 Results
Getting a landlord to make repairs
Learn how to get your landlord to make repairs if there is a dangerous or unhealthy problem in your apartment.
Legal Tactics
This e-book has practical information about tenants' rights in private housing.
Tenant screening basics
Learn how landlords and housing programs are allowed to make a decision about your application.
Understanding your lease as a tenant
An overview of how apartment leases work in Massachusetts.
Chapter 10: Getting Organized
This chapter of the Legal Tactics: Private Housing e-book explains how organizing with other tenants can help you enforce your legal rights.
CORI and housing
Learn when and how a landlord or housing authority can get your CORI or criminal record when you apply for rental housing.
I am having a problem with my neighbor
Learn how you can solve a problem you are having with a neighbor.
Also in
Moving out of your apartment
Learn how to get ready to move out of your apartment and avoid problems with your landlord.
Types of tenancies
Find out what type of tenancy you have if you rent housing in Massachusetts. For example, tenant with a lease or tenant at will.
Landlord's Right to Enter Your Home
Many landlords think that they can let themselves into your apartment any time they want. This is not true. Your landlord must have your permission to enter. If you do not give your landlord permission to enter: the landlord can enter if...
Chapter 11: Moving Out
This chapter from the Legal Tactics: Private Housing e-book will tell you what steps you can take before you move out or sublet your apartment.
Chapter 1: Before You Move In
This chapter from the Legal Tactics: Private Housing e-book tells you how you can protect your rights as you look for and move into an apartment.
Chapter 2: Tenant Screening
This chapter from the Legal Tactics: Private Housing e-book explains tenant screening and how to protect yourself during the tenant screening process.
Chapter 4: Kinds of Tenancies
This chapter from the Legal Tactics: Private Housing e-book helps you figure out the tenancy you have. Other chapters in the e-book explain your rights.