Find a Lawyer

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Are you looking for a lawyer to represent you in a case or give you legal advice? Or do you want to talk to a legal professional to get information or help filling out forms? These resources can help you find someone.

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Massachusetts Legal Resource Finder
Nonprofit website
Massachusetts Legal Resource Finder

Use the Massachusetts Legal Resource Finder if you are looking for a free lawyer for a civil (non-criminal) case. You must live or have a legal problem in Massachusetts to use this tool.

The Legal Resource Finder will give you contact information for places that can give you legal information and help, including:

  • legal aid programs and nonprofits, 
  • court and government services,
  • phone helplines, 
  • in-person legal clinics, and
  • private lawyer referral services.
Mass Legal Answers Online
Nonprofit website
Mass Legal Answers Online

If you are low-income and live or have a civil legal problem in Massachusetts, you can get free legal advice from a volunteer lawyer online through a secure and private website. 

Go to Mass Legal Answers Online to learn more.

Private Lawyer Referral Services
Nonprofit services

Not everyone is financially eligible for a free lawyer from legal aid. Also, legal aid doesn’t have enough lawyers to take every case.

If you have some money to hire a lawyer, you can contact a Lawyer Referral Service to get a referral to specific lawyers who handle your type of legal issue.

  • Some lawyers have lower rates for people with lower income. 
  • There are some kinds of cases where you only have to pay the lawyer if you win, such as personal injury, workers’ compensation, and discrimination cases.
  • Other times, the other side might have to pay your lawyer's fees if you win.
  • Sometimes, you can hire a lawyer for part of your case and handle the other parts yourself. This is called Limited Assistance.
Criminal law cases
Government website
Nonprofit website

If you cannot afford a lawyer, the court may appoint you one from the Committee for Public Counsel Services in certain types of cases. These include: criminal, delinquency, youthful offender, child welfare, mental health, sexually dangerous person, and sex offender registry cases.

If you are not eligible for a court appointed lawyer, you can use a Lawyer Referral Service to find a private lawyer to hire.

Immigration help
Nonprofit services

Use this statewide referral list to find free and low-cost legal programs that can help with immigration cases.

Be careful of immigration fraud and scams. Check with an organization you trust before you start any immigration process. Learn more about notario fraud.

Chat with a Law Librarian
Government service
Chat with a Law Librarian

The Massachusetts Trial Court law librarians can help all Massachusetts residents find legal information. You can reach them by email, phone, chat, and Zoom.

If you need someone to help you make a decision or tell you the best way to solve your legal problem, you need a lawyer. Law librarians cannot advise you about what you should do. But they can help you find the laws you need.

Court Service Centers
Government Site
Chat with a Law Librarian

The Court Service Centers help people with certain cases in Massachusetts trial courts fill out court forms and paperwork, and learn about court procedures. They are open at 7 courthouses and online. They help with

  • Family Court matters (except joint petitions for divorce and adoptions)
  • Landlord/tenant
  • Restraining Orders
  • Voluntary Administration
  • Guardianships

Find out how to reach them and learn more on the Court Service Center website.

Massachusetts Bar Association Dial-A-Lawyer
Nonprofit service
Massachusetts Bar Association Dial a Lawyer

On the first Wednesday of the month, between 5:30 and 7:30 PM, you can call volunteer lawyers and get free legal information and advice. Learn more at the Mass Bar Association.