60. What is the “ABAWD” 3-month time limit for certain childless adults?

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Massachusetts Law Reform Institute


The ABAWD time limit and work-for-food rules are currently not in effect in Massachusetts.

When this rule goes into effect, many childless adults – ages 18 through 52 – may only receive 3 months of SNAP in a 36-month period unless the individual is exempt from or meeting certain work rules. This federal SNAP rule affects individuals determined to be “able-bodied adults
without dependents” or “ABAWDs.”1

You may be exempt from this rule if you have a short- or long-term incapacity or disability, are homeless, living with a child under age 18, are pregnant, attending college as a SNAP-eligible student, used to be in foster care, are a veteran, or meet other exemptions.

If not exempt, ABAWDs are required to work 20 hours a week, be in a training program 20 hours a week, or do a certain number of community service hours to keep their SNAP. As this Guide goes to print, these rules are not in effect.

DTA Online Guide

See Appendix G for links to the DTA’s BEACON Online Guide on this section.

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