64. Is there a gross income test for SNAP?

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Massachusetts Law Reform Institute

Yes! Most SNAP households need to have gross income under 200% of the federal poverty level. Gross income is your monthly income before any taxes or deductions1,2.

Household Size
Gross Income Test 
200% FPL*
Each additional person$897

*These numbers are effective as of February 1, 2024. For the most up to date numbers, go to the SNAP Calculation Worksheet on Mass Legal Services.

1 and 2 person households

All eligible 1 and 2 person households with gross income under 200% FPL will receive at least the minimum SNAP benefit, currently $23/month3. See why some households get only $23 in SNAP each month.

Households that Pay Child Support

If a household member pays legally obligated child support to a child outside the home, the child support is excluded from countable income – meaning it is also excluded in the gross income test4. See child support exclusion.

Households with members age 60+ or disabled

There is no gross income test for households that include a member who is 60 or older or who gets a disability-based benefits. However, to qualify for SNAP, the household must meet the asset test and the net income test. See counting assets. These households must also have very high shelter and/or medical expenses (very low net income) to qualify for any SNAP benefit. There is no minimum SNAP benefit for 1 or 2 person households in this situation.

Households with a member disqualified due to an IPV

If you are a member of a SNAP household where an adult member is disqualified due to an IPV (fraud), the SNAP rules use a lower 130% FPL gross income threshold. In the SNAP math, the disqualified member is not included in the SNAP household size for the remaining members.
However, if the disqualified member has income, their income is included5. See counting income of someone not eligible in your SNAP household. In this situation the household is also subject to the asset test. See counting assets. Appendix B includes the charts for the 130% gross income test.

See 106 C.M.R. §§365.180, 364.976, 364.950.

Snapshot of the SNAP income and asset tests
CircumstanceSNAP Asset TestGross Income
Family with children, pregnant personNo200% FPL
Persons age 18-60, no kids, not disabledNo200% FPL
Household with member 60+ or disabled, gross income < 200% FPLNoNo
Household with member 60+ or
disabled, gross income > 200% FPL**
Household member disqualified due to IPVYes130% FPL

** Note

Household’s net income must be low enough to qualify for a benefit. Households above 200% FPL gross income do not qualify for the $23 minimum benefit.

DTA Online Guide

See Appendix G for links to the DTA’s BEACON Online Guide for this section.

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