80. What is the Standard Utility Allowance and what is Heat and Eat?
Notas finales
The standard utility allowance (SUA) is a fixed dollar amount for a household’s heating and utility expenses used in the calculation of shelter expenses for SNAP benefits1,2. The dollar value of the SUA applies statewide and is not tied to what you actually pay in monthly oil, gas, electricity or other utilities.
There are three different SUA amounts which DTA periodically adjusts based on changes in energy costs and with USDA approval:
- Heating (or air conditioning) SUA – currently $852. This is used for households that incur heating or air conditioning costs separately from their rent. This includes public or subsidized housing tenants if your housing authority charges you for heat, or for use of an air conditioner or a maintenance fee.
You also get this SUA if you receive or have received Fuel Assistance (also called Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act or LIHEAP payments) in the last 12 months - even if your heat is included with your rent. LIHEAP can cover part of your rent if your rent exceeds 30% of net income. - Non-heating SUA – currently $520. This is used for households that incur utility expenses but not heating or air conditioning costs. Utility expenses can include electricity (non-heating), cooking gas, garbage collection, and water and sewer fees passed onto tenants.
- Telephone-only SUA – currently $59. This is used for households that incur only telephone costs (cell phone or landline, but not phone cards) and do not pay any of the other utilities listed above.
It is important that you tell DTA if you incur heating costs, AC costs during the summer (even if your heat is included), or if you get Fuel Assistance for utilities or toward part of high rent costs. The application and recertification forms ask questions about utility expenses.
You also get the full SUA even if you live with another household and pay part of the utilities3.You should also get the SUA in the SNAP math, even if you pay $0 in rent but are responsible for utility costs where you live (e.g. off-season caretaker of a home).