How does DCF find out about child abuse and neglect (51A report)?
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The Department of Children and Families (DCF) has a 24 hour, 7 days a week hotline system for receiving reports about abuse or neglect of children. Local DCF offices, called Area Offices, also receive reports of abuse or neglect during business hours.
People often call a report of abuse or neglect to DCF a “51A” or "51A report.” The law about abuse and neglect reporting is in section 51A of chapter 119 of Massachusetts laws.
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Family Preservation Project (FPP) advocates can help families with DCF involvement if the families:
- are currently being investigated by DCF, or
- have an open DCF case, or
- in some cases, are at immediate risk of being involved with DCF, and
do not have a current DCF court case.