Change your account information
If you think someone has your bank or credit card number, ask your bank or credit card company to:
- Close your account and give you a new account number.
- Change the 4-digit Personal Identification Number (PINs) for your debit and credit cards. And,
- Reset your account passwords and security questions.
Report the identity theft to
Get copies of your credit reports and freeze or put a fraud alert on your accounts
Call the 3 major credit reporting agencies and ask for the fraud department. Ask them to:
- Either freeze your account or put a fraud alert on your account. If you want a fraud alert, you only have to ask one agency. They will tell the other agencies.
- If you freeze your account no one can get your report without you first calling the agency and giving them your PIN number.
- If you put a fraud alert on your account they will tell creditors to call you before they open a new account. And
- Send you a copy of your credit report. See the FTC website to learn how to get free credit reports.
Dispute accounts you did not open and charges you did not make
An account you did not open
Write a letter to the:
- Company. Tell them to close the account. Say you did not open it. Say it is "fraudulent".
- Credit bureau that lists the fraudulent account. Say you did not open the account. Ask to block or dispute the account. Send any proof you have like:
- A copy of your police reports for identity theft.
- A copy of your FTC identity theft report.
- The credit bureau should investigate and remove the account within 30 days. If they do not, find a lawyer.
Charges you did not make
If the charge could have been a mistake
If you get an extra charge from a business where you know you used your card, ask them to remove the charge.
If they do not remove the charge, write to your bank or credit card company.
If the charge is from a business you do not know
Write your credit card company within 60 days for seeing the fraudulent charge. Tell them you dispute the charge and ask them to remove it. Many credit card companies also have an online form you can use to dispute charges. Check your credit card company's website. They will ask you and the business to send proof about the charge.
If the credit card company sides with the business, you can:
See the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's How to Handle Identity Theft handout.