Grandparents and TAFDC

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Massachusetts Law Reform Institute

As a grandparent, you can sometimes get TAFDC benefits for a grandchild you are raising.

Your grandchild must live with you. They must also: 

  • be under age 18, or
  • be 18, still in high school, but will graduate before turning 19.
Do I need to have guardianship or legal custody of my grandchild to get benefits?

In general you do not need to have guardianship or legal custody to get TAFDC for your grandchild if the child’s parents do not live with you. You just need to show you are related to the child. You can be related by blood or marriage, even if the marriage has ended.

You can prove your relationship with

  • birth certificates,
  • school records,
  • medical records, or
  • other kinds of papers.
I don’t want TAFDC for myself. Can I get TAFDC benefits for my grandchild only? 

Yes. You can choose if you want to get benefits for your grandchild only, or for yourself as well.

If you choose to get benefits for your grandchild only:

  • DTA will not count your income when they decide how much TAFDC your grandchild can get. Assets do not count for any TAFDC applicants or recipients.
  • You do not have to meet TAFDC work rules, and you will not have a time limit. 
  • You do not have to meet the child support rules.
Can I get TAFDC benefits for myself if I need them?

Yes, if your income is low enough. If you choose to get benefits for yourself:

  • DTA will count your income when they decide how much TAFDC you and your grandchild can get. 
  • Depending on your age and health, you may also have to meet TAFDC work rules. The TAFDC time limit may also apply. 
  • You may have to assign (turn over) child support to DTA. 
Can I get child care for my grandchild for the hours that I work?

Yes. You can get a voucher for free child care if you get TAFDC for a child and you are working. 


What about SNAP monthly food dollars?

You can get SNAP for your grandchild, but only if you get SNAP for yourself as well. DTA counts your income when they decide how much SNAP you and your grandchild get. They also count the income of any other people who need to be part of your SNAP case.

What about MassHealth?

If you and/or your grandchild are getting TAFDC benefits, you will also get MassHealth insurance. You may also be able to get MassHealth even if you do not get TAFDC.

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