Your child can participate in all, or part, of their IEP meeting. It does not matter how old they are.
Once your child is 14, the school must invite your child to the Team Meeting. It is especially important for the team to hear from older children.
It is up to you and your child to decide how they participate in the meeting, or if they participate at all.
Students can participate in:
- The entire meeting,
- The beginning of the meeting,
- The end of the meeting, or
- By sending a statement or presentation for the team to see at the meeting.
When your child is 18, your child is an adult and they can make their own educational decisions.
This means they sign their own IEP. But they can decide to:
- “Delegate” or give you power to make decisions for them and sign their IEP,
- Share decision making with you, or
- Make their own decisions.
If you are your 18 year-old’s legal guardian, you can make decisions for your adult child. You need to go to court to become a legal guardian. Also see the Federation for Children with Special Needs brochure, Age of Majority.