Can I take time off from work to deal with domestic violence?
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Under Massachusetts laws, employers with 50 or more employees must let you take time off from work if you or a family member has to deal with:
- abuse,
- abusive behavior, or
- domestic violence.
If your company has less than 50 employees, you may be able to use other time off, like earned sick time or paid medical leave.
Resource Boxes
More Resources
Contact the Department of Unemployment Assistance
Unemployment_UI - Contact the DUA
- Online: Log in to UI Online to apply for UI, appeal a denial, request weekly benefits, and more.
- Phone: 877-626-6800. Open 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday – Friday. You can get help in many different languages.
More UI information
UI - More UI information
- Find general information at the DUA's website.
- Find detailed information in the Unemployment Insurance Advocacy Guide, written by legal aid lawyers.
Who to call for help with domestic violence
DV - Who to call for help
Call 911 if you are in danger right now.
If you are not in immediate danger, you can contact:
- SafeLink Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-877-785-2020 (24/7, in many languages)
- National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), text "START" to 88788 or chat online
See Jane Doe's list of Massachusetts domestic violence programs and court resources for safety and support.