How to keep your MassHealth coverage
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Once you are enrolled in MassHealth, you may have to take action to stay enrolled. At least once a year, MassHealth will check to see if you still qualify. This is called the "annual renewal" or "annual redetermination." MassHealth may also ask you to update certain information in between annual renewals.
Learn more about MassHealth annual renewals and what to do about them in this article.
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Enrollment assisters
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Get help with applying for or renewing MassHealth or Health Connector coverage, or enrolling in a managed care plan.
- Enrollment Assister Search - organizations near you.
- Navigators - statewide
- Health Care for All Helpline - statewide
The list of local Navigators and Certified Application Counselors includes the languages their staff speak.
These organizations may also use phone interpreters to help you with other languages.
More information about MassHealth redeterminations
Visit these organizations' websites: