Which families experiencing homeless are eligible for EA?
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EA is available for some:
- Children under age 21 who are experiencing homelessness and their families, including parents, stepparents, other close relatives or legal guardians who are primary caretakers of the child/ren, and/or
- Pregnant people at any stage of pregnancy who are experiencing homelessness, and the pregnant person’s spouse, See 760 CMR 67.02(1) and
- Who meet financial and other eligibility rules. See Questions 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
EOHLC has said that you do not need to be married to qualify as a “spouse” or “stepparent”; they can include persons with whom the parent or pregnant person is “involved as a couple in an inter-dependent relationship that is intended to be long-term.” See Housing Stabilization Notice 2011-02.