Stay informed, get involved!
MLRI coordinates the Massachusetts SNAP Coalition. This is a coalition of anti-hunger agencies, healthcare and homelessness providers, faith-based organizations, community action programs, and legal services advocates. State agency staff from DTA, the MA Department of Public Health, and USDA’s Northeast Regional Office frequently attend.
Formed in 2000, the Coalition meets monthly, by Zoom on the 4th Tuesday of the month (except August and a combined meeting for November and December). Coalition members share updates on state and federal SNAP policy, child nutrition, WIC, and other anti-hunger programs that impact Massachusetts households.
If you would like to receive email updates on SNAP and child nutrition program policy changes, announcements of SNAP Coalition meetings or trainings, and state and national legislative action alerts, contact: Pat Baker at [email protected] or Vicky Negus at [email protected].
To get legal advice and representation on your individual case, contact your local Legal Services office by going to the Massachusetts Legal Resource Finder.