27. Should you ask DTA to screen you for a learning disability?

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Massachusetts Law Reform Institute

A person with a learning disability may need a different kind of education or training program or extra help to meet DTA Work Program requirements. This is called an accommodation.

DTA has a set of questions to figure out if you might have a learning disability. This is called a Learning Disability screening. The questions ask about past learning experiences and if you have trouble with things like reading, math, or your memory. DTA must offer to screen you for a learning disability at certain times, but you can ask to be screened at any time.

If your screening shows that you might have a learning disability, DTA will offer you a free assessment by a doctor. The doctor will ask questions to figure out if you have a learning disability. After the assessment, DTA will share the results with you. If you are in an education, training, or job search program, DTA will also share the results with the program so they can give you the accommodations you need.

If you can’t meet the TAFDC Work Program requirement while the assessment is being done, DTA should not stop or lower your TAFDC. See Appendix E (DTA Online Guide Links); DTA Field Operations Memo 2007-1 (Jan. 10, 2007); 106 C.M.R. § 701.395.

Even if you don’t want the screening, talk to DTA if you need extra help because of a disability. See what if a disability makes it hard for you to meet DTA rules or use DTA services and how to ask DTA for an accommodation.

Advocacy Reminders

  • You can also ask for a Learning Disability screening and a disability accommodation if you are a teen parent who has to meet the teen parent school attendance requirement.
  • Children with a learning disability sometimes struggle with school, get discouraged, and are absent or drop out. Ask DTA for a disability accommodation so that your benefits are not cut because of Learnfare or work rules for children age 16 or 17 who have stopped going to school.
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