DV, Housing, Employment & Benefits
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6 Results
Help with utilities and landlines for survivors of domestic violence
How to keep your gas, electricity, and landline telephone service on if you are a survivor of domestic violence.
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Can I take time off from work to deal with domestic violence?
Under Massachusetts laws, employers with 50 or more employees must let you take time off from work if you or a family member have to deal with abuse, abusive behavior, or domestic violence.
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Domestic violence and how to get help
Learn what domestic violence is under Massachusetts law and how to get help.
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Domestic violence: Your right to terminate your lease for safety reasons
Learn about a law that lets you end your lease early for safety reasons.
Protection from eviction: Survivors of domestic abuse, sexual violence, and stalking
Learn what rights and protections you have under U.S. and Massachusetts law.
TAFDC for survivors of domestic violence
Learn more about TAFDC's special rules that help survivors of domestic violence.