52. Can my children get benefits if I am an ineligible immigrant?

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Massachusetts Law Reform Institute

You have the right to apply for eligible household members, such as U.S. citizen children and spouses. If you or other household members do not have legal status or do not wish to receive SNAP for some reason even though eligible, you can exclude yourself from the SNAP application.

When you apply for SNAP or cash, be sure to tell DTA if any member of your household wants to “opt out” of the application. You are not required to give proof of immigration status or supply an SSN for individuals in your household who you are not seeking SNAP for based on their immigration status1.

However, if you are the immigrant parent of a child (or a spouse living in the household) and you are applying for your dependents, you still must give DTA information about your income and expenses. DTA will count your income in calculating the SNAP benefits for dependents.

DTA should only ask for proof of the U.S. citizenship of your children or other eligible household members if their status is “questionable.”2 Being a U.S. born child to immigrant parents is not questionable.

Further, receipt of SNAP for eligible dependents does not create “public charge” problems for the immigrant parent. See getting SNAP benefits and your immigration status.

DTA Online Guide

See Appendix G for links to the DTA’s BEACON 5 Online Guide for this section.

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