83. How much will I get in SNAP benefits each month?

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Massachusetts Law Reform Institute

These are the maximum regular SNAP benefits by household size, as of October 1, 2023. SNAP benefits typically increase in October of each year.

Household Size
Max SNAP Benefit

106 C.M.R. §§364.600, 364.980. See also Appendix B, Chart 4.

If you have countable net income, multiply your net monthly income by 0.3 (30 percent). Round up this amount to the nearest dollar. Take this amount and subtract it from the maximum benefit level for a household of your size. The result is the amount of your monthly benefits.


Sam and his family have $1,000 in net income after allowable income and shelter deductions. To determine the family’s SNAP benefits, take 30% of the “net income” (30% of $1,000) and subtract the $300 from a SNAP allotment of $766 for 3. Sam’s household will receive $466/month in SNAP.

First month of benefits

When you first apply, your initial benefit amount is based on the number of days from when you applied and the days left in your “SNAP month”1. For example, if you apply halfway through your SNAP month, you will get 50 percent of your monthly benefit.

If you do not get all the mandatory documents to DTA within 30 days from applying and DTA decides the delay was your fault, DTA will pro-rate your SNAP. Your benefit amount will start from the day they got everything they needed. You can challenge this, especially if you think DTA caused the delay. See what if DTA does not give you SNAP back to the date you applied (“pro- rating”).

“$0 Benefit” Households

Some SNAP households get very confusing DTA notices when they are under the gross income limits but qualify for $0 in SNAP benefits. The DTA notices say:

“Because your countable income is over the limit for your household size, you are not eligible for SNAP benefits at this time. We will keep your case open until DATE in case there is a change in your household's circumstances that qualifies you for benefits.”

This happens to households of 3 or more people with income below 200% poverty level, where 30% of the household’s net income is greater than the maximum benefit amount2,3. If you report any changes during your certification period that make you eligible, you do not need to file a new SNAP application and have an interview. You only have to verify the change (e.g. the drop in income, increased expense, a new baby or other household member) that makes you now SNAP eligible.

DTA Online Guide

See Appendix G for links to DTA’s BEACON Online Guide for this section.

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