Repairs after foreclosure
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To get repairs made, you can:
- Notify the owner in writing, and ask her to make the repairs.32
- Ask your Board of Health to do an inspection and give you a report.
- After the Board of Health orders the repairs, make the repairs yourself and subtract the cost from your rent.
- After the Board of Health gives the landlord notice about the problems you can withhold some or all of your rent until repairs are made.
- Withhold rent after you give the landlord notice.
- Ask the Court to order the owner to make the repairs. Ask for a Temporary Restraining Order or TRO.
Try the Court Forms Online interactive interview, Complaint for a Temporary Restraining Order, that lets you complete, review, sign and send your request for a Temporary Restraining Order to the court from your smart phone or computer.
Use Temporary Restraining Order (Form 15). Or
The court clerk can give you the form.
Make sure you understand your options before you decide what to do.
32 . During the period between the foreclosure auction and the execution of the foreclosure deed, the "mortgagee-in-possession," i.e., the lender that conducted the foreclosure sale, is responsible for repairs. See section 3 in the definition of "owner," in 105 C.M.R. §410.020.
34 . 105 C.M.R. §§410.830, 410.833.
35 . G.L. c. 111, §127L. See also 940 C.M.R. §3.17(1)(h).