The Department of Public Utilities
The Department of Public Utilities (DPU) is the state agency responsible for regulating utility companies. DPU regulates gas, electric, and privately owned water companies (but not municipal water companies).1 Telephone companies are regulated by the Department of Telecommunications and Cable (DTC) and operate under a slightly different set of regulations.2
The DPU has a special consumer hotline staffed by advocates who are trained to help consumers when companies do not follow the law or refuse to make reasonable agreements. DPU's advocates are not lawyers, and they will not represent you. However, DPU advocates are able to resolve many of the problems that customers have with utility companies.
Before calling the DPU consumer line, you must first try to resolve your problem directly with the utility company. You can do this by calling the company's Customer Service number or writing the company a letter. If this fails to resolve the problem, call the DPU Consumer Division and explain the problem, providing as many details as possible.
If the DPU advocate cannot help you, you can try speaking to a DPU Consumer Division supervisor. As a last resort, you have the right to request a hearing against the utility company with a neutral hearing officer supplied by the DPU. The utility company cannot terminate your service while an appeal is pending on a disputed bill.3
How to Reach the Department of Public Utilities
The Department of Public Utilities (DPU) is the state agency responsible for regulating utility companies. In addition to regulating the quality of service, the DPU investigates problems, and has procedures to help you resolve problems.
Department of Public Utilities
Consumer Division
1 South Station
Boston, MA 02110
You can also use the On-Line DPU Complaint Form.
1 . See generally G.L. c. 164 (gas and electricity); G.L. c. 165 (water); 220 C.M.R. §25.00 (billing and termination regulations for gas, electric, and water companies).
2 . DPU 18448 (telephone regulations). If you cannot access this link for the telephone regulations, they are available at no charge from the National Consumer Law Center, 617-542-8010.