Your heating and cooling bills may be too high due to drafts, cracks, poor insulation, or an inefficient or broken heating system. Weatherizing your house or apartment and repairing your heating system can significantly reduce your bills.
There are local organizations across Massachusetts that receive funding from the U.S. Department of Energy and from utility companies to provide weatherization assistance to low-income tenants and homeowners. To qualify for this assistance, your household income must be under 60% of median income (see chart at the end of this chapter). If you qualify, the organization will send a certified energy auditor to inspect your home. If the auditor finds that your home needs sealing, insulation, weatherstripping, or minor repairs related to weatherization, or that your heating system needs repair or replacement, the organization will hire a contractor to do the work at no cost to you.
To find the nearest organization offering these services, call the EOHLC Heatline at 800-632-8175 or see the Cold Relief Brochure.