7. What is an Authorized Representative?
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An Authorized Representative is someone you choose to act on your behalf and manage your SNAP benefits1. This is similar to a “representative payee” for SSI or Social Security benefits.
The Authorized Representative does not need to have legal guardianship or a court appointment, but you do have to give your voluntary written consent.
DTA will ask you to sign a DTA form appointing this person, Request to Choose Someone to Be My Authorized Representative. See Appendix C.
You can decide how much control the Authorized Representative has. You can decide if the person you designate as an Authorized Representative can:
- sign the SNAP application on your behalf, receive DTA notices, report changes and talk about your case with DTA, and/or
- get a second EBT card to shop for you with your SNAP benefits. DTA can issue two EBT cards – one for you and one for the Authorized Representative.