11. What happens during the interview?
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During the interview, the DTA worker should:
- Screen you for expedited (emergency) benefits. See expedited (emergency) benefits eligibility.
- Confirm the information you gave on your application and any information DTA gets through government databases.
- Review the documents you sent in, tell you what verifications (proofs) DTA needs and when they are due. See what proofs DTA needs and when.
- Answer any questions and offer to help if you need help getting proofs or contacting a third party for information.
- Review the exemptions and the work rules if you or a household member is subject to the ABAWD 3-month time limit. (The ABAWD time limit is not in place right now.). See the “ABAWD” 3-month time limit for certain childless adults.
- Tell you how long your benefits are certified for, what changes you need to report to DTA, and when you need to send back an Interim Report and/or a Recertification form. See reporting changes to the DTA.
- Explain your rights and responsibilities, as well as the penalties for committing fraud or for other program rules.
- Issue you an EBT card if one has not already been issued and you don’t have one– either by mail or in person at the DTA office – and tell you how to use the EBT card.
SNAP interview rules: 106 C.M.R. §§361.500 - 361-550.
DTA Online Guide
See Appendix G for links to the DTA’s BEACON 5 Online Guide for this section.