89. What is the Pathways to Work Program?
DTA’s Pathways to Work Program (formerly the Employment Services Program or ESP) covers employment, education, and training services for TAFDC recipients and some former TAFDC recipients. Pathways to Work includes community service, job search, education, and training. Pathways to Work also provides child care for TAFDC recipients who are working or participating in a DTA-approved education or training program and provides some transportation assistance for TAFDC recipients in approved education or training programs. 106 C.M.R. §§ 707.000, 707.100.
Pathways to Work is voluntary unless you are subject to the time limit and the Work Program. DTA regulations provide for sanctions for failure to comply with an Employment Development Plan, 106 C.M.R. § 707.200, but these regulations do not apply to volunteers. See DTA Field Operations Memo 2001-9 (Feb. 20, 2001).
Advocacy Reminder
- DTA is required by law to provide appropriate services for people with disabilities. Contact your local legal services program, if you need special training, education, or employment services because you have a physical or mental disability, including a learning disability. See the following questions: