22. How do I get information about my SNAP case by phone?

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Massachusetts Law Reform Institute

Call the DTA Assistance Line at 1-877-382-2363 to hear automated information about your case.

After you select your language, press 1 to enter your identifying information. You have a choice to enter your SSN, EBT card number, or your DTA Agency ID (found on all DTA notices), plus your year of birth. If you are worried about an abusive partner or unauthorized callers trying to get your personal information, you can ask DTA about a “block” on this service. See safety concerns and case information access.

After you identify yourself

Through the Assistance Line’s “Interactive Voice Response” or IVR system, you can hear information about your case and report certain changes, 24 hours/7 days a week. The IVR information you can get depends on the status of your case, but generally includes:

  • Your case status and EBT card balance,
  • The date your benefits are issued and monthly amount,
  • When you are due for a Recertification or Interim Report,
  • The date that DTA last received a document from you.

If you need to have an interview or complete paperwork to get or keep benefits, the system should connect you directly to a worker when you call.

Additional services from the DTA Assistance Line
  • Request a letter showing the amount of SNAP or cash benefits you receive (a “benefit verification letter”)
  • Request and track the mailing of an EBT card
  • Request for replacement SNAP if you lost food you bought with SNAP due to a fire, flooding or other disaster. See losing food due to power outages, fires, or natural disasters.
  • Update your phone number.
To speak with a DTA SNAP worker

Call Monday through Friday from 8:15 AM to 4:45 PM and follow the prompts to reach a case manager. The worker will ask for your name, your DTA Agency ID (if you know it), or for other identifying information.

This helps the worker confirm who you are and look up your case. Be sure to ask the worker for their name and write it down.

If you are calling because you need an interview, the DTA worker should do an interview on the spot and not tell you to call back later.

If there are long waits on the phone, sometimes DTA allows a “call back” option, meaning a DTA worker will call you back. Be sure to leave a phone number where DTA can reach you in the next 24-48 hours. If you have an urgent issue and do not have a call back option, or the phone line automatically disconnects due to high call volume, you can always go in person to a DTA office or call the DTA Ombuds, see how the DTA Ombuds Office can help.

Other DTA staff you can reach through the DTA Assistance Line

(follow the phone prompts):


If you do not have an active or pending case

If you are not in the process of applying, are not getting SNAP, and have not applied or gotten SNAP in the past 90 days, you will not be able to get through by entering your SSN, DTA Agency ID, or EBT card number. In this situation, to reach a worker press 7 when you call (the option for other languages).

Helping agencies

If you are calling on behalf of a client, be sure to send DTA a signed client consent in advance.

Limited cell phone minute

If you are worried about limited cell minutes, ask for a call back or try to use a landline or the phone of a social service agency line or friend with unlimited minutes.

DTA Online Guide

See Appendix G for links to the DTA’s BEACON 5 Online Guide for this section.

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